Dave Age: 18 Dave likes computers, video games, gizmos and gadgets, pretty much anything that can be plugged in to a wall socket or customized. Dave has overclocked more than just computers in his life. Enjoys LAN Parties, Anime, and Rock 'N Roll, Dave can sometimes take things a bit too far, and has been known to pass out due to overdosing on Bawls.
Jon Age: 17 Jon is, simply put, dangerous. Don't ever trust Jon with a knife, anything sharp, or anything that's not bolted to the ground for that matter. The MacGyver of Wanton Destruction, Jon will not hesitate for a second to go miles out of his way for a chance at seeing something blow up. Leeches more Pr0n and more music than anyone in existance.
Joe Age: 17 Joe is a moron. His spontaneous actions never cease to cause panic and chaos, and he thinks along the lines of a seven year old. One thing that this human incarnation of insanity can do well is play the accordian while jumping around like a drunken monkey on speed. But then, that shouldn't surprise you at all.
Ben Age: 18 If Ben were an Operating System, he'd be Windows ME. Ben is essentially tech-illeterate, though his gaming skills more than make up for it. By freeing his mind from worthless filler data, he is able to dedicate more of his brain to gaming itself, rather than the hardware one needs to be able to game, though this tactic still causes instability every so often.
The iPod Age: None The iPod comes with a 60GB Hard Drive and is able to store all of your digital music, and can also do video playback. The iPod is expensive, but well worth it, especially if you're in the market for a mass storage device as well. The iPod can speak and is quite full of itself, especially since all the hype surrounding it was the equivalent to the second coming of Jesus.